Concept art of the living room area of Brad's apartment
Brad Silver's apartment is a location in the city in which Heavy Rain takes place. It is home to Brad Silver, a drug dealer.
Ethan Mars visits Brad's apartment to complete his fourth trial and get his next clue about Shaun's location. He must use the Taurus PT92 from the Origami Killer's shoebox to kill Brad, but when he hesitates, Brad grabs a Remington 870 MCS and chases Ethan around the apartment. Ethan gets cornered in what appears to be Brad's daughters' bedroom if he avoids getting caught during the chase, at which point Brad realizes that he's out of ammo and his fate is left in Ethan's hands.
Known Residents[]
Chapter Appearances[]
- According to the origami figure seen in "Fugitive," Brad Silver's apartment is located at 6784 Longway Road in Lexington. The address doesn't include a state or zip code, though it may refer to Line Lexington, an unincorporated community to the north of Philadelphia.
- Although Brad holds up a photo of Sarah and Cindy and has a room for them in his apartment, there is no definitive proof that they live with him. It's possible that he either lost custody of them or shares custody with their mother, or they may simply be in school when the chapter unfolds.