Heavy Rain Wiki
Ethan Mars' Apartment

Concept art of the living room and kitchen of Ethan's duplex

Ethan Mars' duplex is a location in the city in which Heavy Rain takes place. It is the second known residence of Ethan Mars.

After losing his oldest son and separating from his wife, Ethan is forced to move into a duplex in the city where he looks after his surviving son on weekdays. When Shaun is kidnapped from the park by the Origami Killer, Ethan reports his son's disappearance to the police and finds reporters crowded around the front of his duplex the next morning. Feeling like a prisoner in his own home and a failure as a father, Ethan eventually discovers that the Origami Killer has left him clues to save Shaun. Determined not to fail another child, Ethan sneaks out of his duplex and takes off in his car to begin his search.

Known Residents[]

Chapter Appearances[]


  • According to the address on the Church Letter's envelope, Ethan Mars' duplex is located at 9669 Reservoir Road in Camden. The address doesn't include a state or zip code, though Camden, New Jersey is directly across the river from Philadelphia, after which David Cage has said the city depicted in Heavy Rain is modeled.

