Heavy Rain Wiki

Poor young'un. That one, I knew well...

— The gravedigger, about John Sheppard

The gravedigger is a minor character in Heavy Rain. He has spent most of his life digging graves at Charity Cross Cemetery.

When Scott Shelby and Lauren Winter come to the cemetery and locate John Sheppard's grave, the gravedigger mentions that he knew the boy. He then narrates the events that unfold in "Twins," concluding his tale by recalling that John drowned in a pipe full of rainwater when his brother couldn't find help. When Lauren asks what happened to John's brother, the gravedigger tells her that he got adopted after being separated from his parents. He decides to head home when he hears a storm moving in, and is not seen again for the rest of the game.

Chapter Appearances[]


  • He is one of the people whose face is shown up close during the opening credits.

