Heavy Rain Chronicles: Episode Two is an unreleased entry in the Heavy Rain Chronicles. It was in pre-production before the cancellation of the DLC.
The episode follows Norman Jayden prior to the events of Heavy Rain, and is meant to reveal how he started using ARI and became addicted to Triptocaine. The information listed below comes from development notes, and is not intended to be a complete description.
Hostage Situation[]
Jayden and fellow agent Cole are dispatched to a hostage situation. After hiding and occasionally exchanging fire with the hostage-takers, Jayden enters a room where a bomb has been planted. Cole stays behind to help the hostages and communicates with Jayden via phone. The bomb is set on a timer, and Jayden must disarm it before it explodes. He is unable to do so on his own, and Cole assists him.
There are four ways this scenario can end:
- Jayden and Cole fail to defuse the bomb in time.
- One of the hostages shoots Cole.
- Jayden accidentally shoots Cole.
- Jayden and Cole successfully defuse the bomb.
After one of the above endings, it is revealed that the hostage situation was an ARI simulation designed for testing purposes. A technician informs them that the simulation still has a few glitches and that they're expected for a debriefing.
Death of Jack Reilly[]
Jayden enters the Washington, D.C. penthouse of Jack Reilly. Reilly was found dead in his bed sometime prior, apparently of a fatal overdose. However, Jayden suspects that Reilly's death was not a suicide. He is accompanied by Mercer (a lawyer involved with the ARI program). The doorman is familiar with both Jayden and Mercer, and informs them that Reilly's family will be coming the next day. When Mercer gives Jayden a key to the apartment, Jayden explains that he already has one.
As Jayden explores the penthouse, he can trigger flashbacks by entering the various rooms and interacting with certain objects. 1A, 2A, and 3A can be viewed in any order, but 3A must be viewed to unlock 4A. All flashbacks must be viewed to unlock 5A.
- 1A: Looking at an award in the living room triggers a flashback of Reilly presenting the ARI to the FBI. Jayden arrives late to the presentation.
- 2A: If Jayden enters the lounge, Mercer turns on the TV. This triggers a flashback of Jayden watching Reilly use ARI.
- 3A: Pulling back the covers in the bedroom triggers a flashback of Jayden in the morgue, looking at the body of someone who apparently died of a Triptocaine overdose.
- 4A: Entering the bathroom triggers a flashback of Jayden putting Reilly's Triptocaine in a bag and trying to hide it, presumably to later dispose of it.
- 5A: Going to the balcony triggers a flashback of Reilly and Jayden sharing a kiss.
After all of the above are viewed, Mercer decides to wait for Jayden in the car, and a second set of flashbacks is unlocked. The locations of these flashbacks are not shown.
- 1B: Reilly bumps into Jayden after leaving the presentation. Reilly drops a tube of Triptocaine, and Jayden hands it back to him.
- 2B: Reilly shows Jayden the recreational uses of ARI, including the virtual environments. After viewing this flashback, Jayden can find ARI and use it to look for clues left by Reilly in the other rooms.
- 3B: Reilly admits to Jayden that he is addicted to Triptocaine.
- 4B: Reilly is taking a shower. After getting in the shower with Reilly and/or handing him a towel, Jayden notices a tube of Triptocaine and realizes that Reilly must have a hidden stash of it.
After viewing these flashbacks, Jayden realizes what led to Reilly's death. He goes out to the balcony, where Mercer returns. Jayden confronts Mercer, realizing that the other man was involved in Reilly's death. The confrontation ends with Mercer being shot by Jayden and falling off the balcony, presumably to his death.
Partial Transcript[]
The following is a transcript of the "hostage situation" scene, translated from a partial French script. Some sections have been reworded or shortened for better readability. No known script exists for the rest of the DLC.
(Norman moves from shelter zone to shelter zone, shooting at the terrorists and taking cover when they return fire. Once in the server room, Norman and Cole discuss how to disarm the bomb. To access the central block, Norman must remove a barrel. Once he has removed the barrel, he can analyze the bomb to learn its composition, but must do so within a time limit to give Cole time to do further research.)
(If Norman does not know the bomb's composition within the time limit:)
Norman: What's that? I need to know what components are used, or I'll risk blowing it up unintentionally.
(If Norman analyzes the bomb, he discovers that it is composed of a mixture of ammonium and nitromethane. He contacts Cole.)
Norman: I've just seen the bomb's composition. ARI is incapable of giving me information on how to deal with it exactly.
Cole: Shit. I'm with the hostages right now, can't do research. You're gonna have to act as if it's extremely dangerous and be very careful.
Norman: Easy, especially with that timer.
(Norman must defuse the bomb carefully, slowing his movements and causing him to lose time.)
(If Norman looks at the bomb again after talking to Cole, ARI launches an analysis, indicating the wires dipped in the barrel.)
(If Norman removes the wires, he carefully lifts the metallic rod out of both of the two front barrels.)
(If Norman moves the barrels, one of them slips from his hands and nearly falls. After the barrels have been removed, Norman can access the bomb's core to disarm it.)
(If Norman knows the bomb's composition within the time limit:)
Norman: I'm in front of the bomb. Did you have time to analyze what I sent you?
Cole: Yeah. It's all good, the components are inactive. You can remove them without any danger.
(Shots and screams are heard.)
Cole: Gotta go.
(The scenes of Norman removing the wires and moving the barrels are the same as above. However, his movements are faster.)
(Once Norman has access to the bomb's core, he can remove the screws holding a metallic rod that in turn holds the detonator. After the screws are removed, he starts to lift the rod, but realizes that it is too heavy.)
Norman: I'll never manage on my own, gotta tell Cole.
(If Norman calls Cole:)
Norman: Cole... Cole, can you hear me?
Cole: Yeah, I'm listening. But hurry, everything is shit over here.
Norman: I need you here, I can't defuse it alone. Hurry up, the timer is on.
Cole: Shit... I'm on my way.
(If Norman does not call Cole, Cole calls him instead. Dialogue for this outcome is not shown in the script.)
(Once Cole arrives:)
Norman: There you are. We gotta move that detonator before everything blows, but it's too heavy for me.
Cole: Why not just grab it from the side?
Norman: There's a mercury marble in the center. If it doesn't stay there, we explode. That's why I need you.
(Norman and Cole approach the metal rod, standing on opposite sides.)
(If Cole called Norman:)
Norman: Took your time.
Cole: I tripped.
Norman: I don't want to die because you tripped.
(If Norman and Cole fail to disarm the bomb three times, it explodes.)
Norman: Oh, shit!
(Norman and Cole remove their ARI glasses and are greeted by a technician.)
Norman: What was that?!
Technician: Sorry, technical glitch. You both should have been burned by the explosion. Nice effect, huh?
Cole: A fucking bomb! There was a fucking bomb! Why did you have to put a bomb?
Technician: You'll succeed next time, it wasn't an easy scenario. Debriefing in 15 minutes.
(If Cole is shot either by one of the hostages or accidentally by Norman, the bullet stops in midair. Norman and Cole remove their ARI glasses.)
Cole: What was that?!
Technician: Sorry, technical glitch. The bullet should have pierced through your skull. Nice effect, huh?
(If Norman shot Cole:)
Cole: You shot me! We failed that simulation because you didn't bother to look at who you're shooting!
(If Norman and Cole successfully disarm the bomb, the simulation ends.)
Technician: We're doing what we can, guys. Good job on the bomb, it wasn't an easy scenario. Debriefing in 15 minutes.
(After any of the above outcomes, the scene ends.)
- The ARI glasses Norman uses in the "hostage situation" scene contain a "thermal vision" mode, which is not present in the main game. Whether this function was removed from subsequent ARI models or he simply doesn't use it is unknown.
- This is the only Heavy Rain Chronicles episode confirmed to take place outside of the City.