Heavy Rain Wiki

This is the transcript of "Paparazzi," the twelfth chapter of Heavy Rain.


(The chapter opens with a crowd of journalists and an ICN news van gathered outside Ethan's home. Ethan is sitting at the kitchen table with his head down, visibly upset. He lays back in the chair, staring at the ceiling. The player can view his thoughts here.)

(If Ethan chooses "Paparazzi":)

Ethan: Goddamn reporters. They've been camped outside my house all day.

(If Ethan chooses "Police":)

Ethan: That letter might be linked to Shaun's disappearance. I need to show it to the police.

(If Ethan chooses "Exhausted":)

Ethan: I'm exhausted. I didn't sleep a wink all night.

(If Ethan chooses "Origami":)

Ethan: The origami figure in my hand after my blackout... it's the same one the killer leaves in the hands of his victims. I've never done origami in my life...

(If Ethan chooses "Guilt":)

Ethan: What did I do with Shaun? I must have done something, but I just can't remember.

(If Ethan chooses "Killer":)

Ethan: I'm the Origami Killer. I black out, and then the murdering starts. I know it's me...

(If Ethan chooses "Shaun":)

Ethan: There's no way back for me if I've done anything to hurt Shaun.

(If Ethan chooses "Innocent":)

Ethan: This doesn't make any sense. It couldn't have been me, I couldn't ever have done that.

(If Ethan chooses "Doubt":)

Ethan: I couldn't have hurt him. I love him, I love him with all my heart. But what in God's name did I do while he was on the carousel?

(If Ethan chooses "Determined":)

Ethan: I'd give anything to know where Shaun is now.

(If Ethan opens the envelope on the table, he reads the contents of the letter.)

Ethan: When the parents came home from church, all their children were gone. They searched and called for them, they cried and begged, but it was all to no avail. The children have never been seen again.

(A new thought, "Letter," appears after Ethan reads the letter.)

(If Ethan chooses "Letter":)

Ethan: What does it mean? Some sort of fairy tale?

(If Ethan looks at the envelope again, he finds a locker ticket inside. The player can view his thoughts again.)

(If Ethan chooses "Ticket":)

Ethan: It looks like the ticket to a locker.

(If Ethan chooses "Keep Letter":)

Ethan: Someone sent me that letter for a reason.

(If Ethan chooses "Seen Before":)

Ethan: This angel on the ticket... I'm sure I've seen it somewhere before.

(If Ethan chooses "Idea":)

Ethan: I think I know where this ticket comes from.

(After Ethan gets up from the table, he tucks the envelope away in his pocket.)

Ethan: I have to get out of here and find out what this ticket is about.

(If Ethan looks out of any of the windows, he notices the journalists outside. The player can view his thoughts again.)

(If Ethan chooses "Go Out":)

Ethan: I've gotta go out. I'll go crazy if I stay in here.

(If Ethan chooses "Don't Go Out":)

Ethan: If I go outside, they'll jump me and hassle me with their questions. I... I can't do it.

(If Ethan chooses "Garden":)

Ethan: I could go through the neighbor's garden and avoid all the press.

(If Ethan goes upstairs and enters Shaun's room, he kneels down and begins to cry for a few moments before standing.)

(If Ethan chooses to leave through the front door, he is swarmed by journalists.)

Various journalists: Mr. Mars! Please, Mr. Mars! A few words, Mr. Mars!

(Ethan shuts the door. He is given the choice to leave again or stay.)

(If Ethan chooses to stay, he closes the door and walks away from it.)

(If Ethan chooses to leave, he opens the door and steps out. The crowd of journalists swarm him with questions again.)

Ethan: The car. Get into the car. I'm going to walk straight into that car without stopping on the way.

Various journalists: Mr. Mars, can you confirm that your son has disappeared? Do you think the Origami Killer kidnapped him? Mr. Mars! How exactly did your son disappear? Mr. Mars, please, a few words for ICN! Are you worried your son might be dead? Do you suspect anyone, Mr. Mars? Do you know if the investigators have any leads? You lost your son in the park, how do you feel about that? Please, Mr. Mars! Mr. Mars, a few words! Are you going to make an appeal to the killer, Mr. Mars? Do you think your son is still alive?

(The above dialogue will repeat if Ethan has not yet made it to his car.)

(The player can view Ethan's thoughts here.)

(If Ethan chooses "Ignore":)

Ethan: Don't answer their questions, don't say anything. Just get your son back.

(If Ethan chooses "Keep Going":)

Ethan: Keep going. Whatever you do, don't stop.

(If Ethan chooses "Car":)

Ethan: My car. Just a few more steps.

(If Ethan leaves through the back door, he hops the fence into a neighboring yard to get to his car.)

(If Ethan is spotted by the journalists, they begin asking him questions, but he ignores them.)

(If Ethan avoids being spotted, he is able to leave unnoticed.)

(After any of the above outcomes, the chapter ends with Ethan getting into his car and driving away.)
