Heavy Rain Wiki
For the actor, see Sam Douglas.

Sam is a close friend of Madison Paige, and he is often heard giving her information when she is in need. Sam is also heard both in Heavy Rain and the DLC, The Taxidermist, giving information to Madison regarding Adrian Baker and Leland White. Little is known about him other than that he has known Madison for a long while.

Sam is also featured in one of Madison's bad endings, "Square One," where he is heard trying to comfort her over the answering machine.

Chapter Appearances[]


  • Sam is the only character in the game to be heard but not seen.
  • The two endings of The Taxidermist in which Madison dies ("Where Is Madison Paige?" and "Sacrificed in the Name of Truth") feature front-page articles in The American Tribune by a journalist named Sam Hugues. This may be Madison's friend Sam, since he was the only one who knew that Madison was going to pay a visit to Leland's house - in the "Where Is Madison Paige?" article, he writes that "the police are questioning the taxidermist she is thought to have wanted to question."