Heavy Rain Wiki

This timeline lists all known events in the Heavy Rain universe that occur regardless of players' actions.




February (day unknown)

Late 1968-1969[]



November 14


October (day unknown)
  • John Sheppard drowns in a pipe full of rainwater, his father refusing to answer Scott's pleas for help.[5]


September (day unknown)



September 21

Late 1982-1983[]


May 3

Late 1985-1986[]


September 7


Late 2000-2001[]


  • Ann Sheppard, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, is admitted to the geriatrics ward of a hospital.[14]


September 14


  • Jason Mars celebrates his tenth birthday. Merlin, the Mars family's pet bird, dies.
  • Jason Mars is hit by a car at the mall and killed. Ethan Mars is left in a coma for six months as a result of the accident.[17]
September 26
November 3
  • Madison Paige investigates Leland White, who is suspected of being the Origami Killer.[19]
November 4
November 15
  • The Origami Killer claims a second victim.[18]




October 3
  • The Origami Killer claims a third victim.[18]
October 28
  • The Origami Killer claims a fourth victim.[18]
November 16
  • Ethan Mars suffers a blackout and disappears in the middle of the night. He returns in the early hours of the morning, speaking nonsensically to a bewildered Grace Mars about drowning and the rain.[22]
November 17
  • The Origami Killer claims a fifth victim.[18]


September 15
September 20
  • Johnny Winter is murdered by the Origami Killer.[18][26]
  • After a session with his psychologist, Clarence Dupré, Ethan leaves behind an origami dog similar to the one the Origami Killer leaves with his victims.[27]
September 25
  • Reza is kidnapped by the Origami Killer.[28][29]
September 29
  • Reza is murdered by the Origami Killer.[18][26]
  • Jeremy Bowles is kidnapped by the Origami Killer.[30]
September 30
  • Mr. Bowles disappears, giving no explanation and leaving only a cellphone at the Bowles residence.[31]
October 3
  • Ethan Mars suffers a blackout after putting Shaun to bed. He awakens in the street sometime later, holding an origami dog.[32]
October 4
October 5
  • Norman Jayden and Carter Blake confront two Origami Killer suspects, Nathaniel Williams and Miroslav Korda.
  • Grace Mars informs Norman Jayden and Carter Blake about Ethan Mars' blackouts. The two of them then interrogate Clarence Dupré.[33]
  • Susan Bowles tries to commit suicide, but is saved by Scott Shelby.
  • Ethan Mars begins undertaking the Origami Killer's trials to rescue his son Shaun and meets Madison Paige at the Cross Road Motel.
  • Lauren Winter partners up with Scott Shelby. The two of them investigate Gordi Kramer, who is suspected of being the Origami Killer and responsible for the drowning of Joseph Brown.
  • Madison Paige follows Ethan Mars to the Marble Street apartment and discovers the police are planning to raid the apartment and arrest him.
October 6
  • Manfred and Paco Mendez are murdered by the Origami Killer.
  • Madison Paige visits Adrian Baker's house to gather information about the Marble Street apartment.
  • Jackson Neville attempts to murder Norman Jayden when he discovers incriminating information at the junkyard.
  • Scott Shelby and Lauren Winter visit Charity Cross Cemetery and meet a gravedigger, who tells them the story of John Sheppard's death at Carnaby Square and his brother's subsequent adoption.
  • The police track Ethan Mars to the Cross Road Motel and attempt to arrest him.
  • Charles Kramer attempts to murder Scott Shelby and Lauren Winter in retaliation for their investigation of his son Gordi.


  1. Date confirmed by dialogue in "Manfred."
  2. Date confirmed by Scott's grave if he dies in "The Old Warehouse."
  3. Sam states in The Taxidermist (which takes place on November 3, 2009) that Leland is 40 years old.
  4. Date confirmed by Paco's records, which are viewable in ARI during "Fish Tank."
  5. Date confirmed by John Sheppard's grave in "The Cemetery" and dialogue in the same chapter.
  6. Date confirmed by Ethan's grave if he dies in "The Old Warehouse."
  7. Date confirmed by Neville's records, which are viewable in ARI during "Jayden Blues" and "Mad Jack."
  8. The Japanese game manual and Jayden's biography on the asset disc both state that he is 28 years old during the events of the game.
  9. Date confirmed by Madison's records, which are viewable in ARI during "Fish Tank" (provided she survived "The Doc"), and by her grave if she dies over the course of the game.
  10. The Japanese game manual states that Lauren is 25 years old during the events of the game.
  11. Date assumed based on the weather in "Prologue" (which occurs on Jason's tenth birthday) and the character models used in the chapter being labeled with the abbreviation "SUM" (summer).
  12. Date confirmed by Jeremy's records, which are viewable in ARI during "Crime Scene."
  13. In "Hassan's Shop," if the "Save Shaun" option is chosen in conversation with Hassan, Scott states, "The killer has kidnapped another victim. A ten-year-old boy, like your son Reza." This establishes that Reza was ten years old at the time of his death in September 2011.
  14. In "Ann Sheppard," a nurse informs Madison that Ann has been at the hospital for ten years.
  15. Date confirmed by Shaun's grave if he dies in "The Old Warehouse."
  16. Date appears in ARI when Jayden analyzes records of the car.
  17. The date of the accident is never stated in-game, but the character models used in both "Prologue" and "The Mall" are labeled with the abbreviation "SUM" (summer).
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 This date appears in the "Origami Killer Victims" file in ARI.
  19. Date is stated by Madison when she prepares to investigate Leland's house.
  20. All but one of the ending newspapers for The Taxidermist display this date. One of the three endings where Madison survives is canon, as she is playable during the future events of Heavy Rain.
  21. Charles Kramer states in "Face to Face" that Gordi killed Joseph to "be like" the Origami Killer, suggesting that the Origami Killer was already established as a serial killer when Joseph died; the definition of "serial killings" is three or more murders with shared characteristics. With this context in mind, it can be assumed that Joseph died after October 3, 2010, as the Origami Killer would have had an established methodology (which Gordi is shown to be aware of in "Kramer's Party") and been identified as a serial killer after this point.
  22. Grace recounts this event in "Police News" and states that another victim of the Origami Killer was announced the morning after Ethan returned home. Her statement also indicates that she and Ethan were still living together at the time. Based on Ethan's statement in "Welcome, Norman" that he and Grace separated six months before the events of the game and the state of Ethan's duplex suggesting that he moved there fairly recently, this date is the only date where they would have been living together and where a victim's body would have been discovered this quickly.
  23. Ethan states in "Welcome, Norman" that he and Grace separated six months prior to the events of the game. The sparse furnishings and unpacked boxes in his duplex indicate that he moved there fairly recently.
  24. If asked about Johnny's disappearance in "Sleazy Place," Lauren's dialogue implies that he went missing on a school day. Combined with the known death dates from ARI and Lauren's statement that Johnny was missing for five days before his body was discovered, this yields two potential abduction dates: September 15 and September 24. September 24, 2011 fell on a Saturday while September 15, 2011 fell on a Thursday, leaving the latter as the only possible date in 2011 that Johnny could have been abducted.
  25. Lauren's dialogue if asked about Allan in "Sleazy Place" establishes that he left the day Johnny went missing. She also states in "A Visitor" that Allan received a letter addressed to him the morning of Johnny's disappearance.
  26. 26.0 26.1 The fact that Scott questions both Lauren and Hassan on Tuesday (and that they retain important pieces of evidence) indicates that their respective children died recently. This is also supported by a thought Scott has in "A Visitor," after he has also spoken to Susan: "I've seen the parents of all the victims and all I've come up with is this telephone and a box of origami figures."
  27. When interrogated in "Shrink and Punches," Dupré notes that Ethan left the figure in his office "a few weeks ago". Dialogue in "The Shrink" indicates that Ethan attends weekly appointments with Dupré (presumably on Tuesdays, as that chapter is set on a Tuesday). Ethan is observed making origami figures during a blackout on two occasions: once when a victim is abducted, and again before they are killed. September 20 (which fell on a Tuesday in 2011) is the only date close enough to an abduction or death where Ethan would have attended an appointment with Dupré and have had an origami figure with him. (Reza's disappearance also occurred on a Tuesday, but Dupré's wording also suggests that the incident happened at least two weeks prior to his interrogation, while Reza went missing only a week before.)
  28. Jayden notes in "Welcome, Norman" and "Kick Off Meeting" that the victims' bodies are found three to five days after abduction.
  29. If Jayden chooses the "Alibi" dialogue option while questioning Nathaniel, he asks him about his whereabouts the previous Tuesday at 4:30 p.m., suggesting that a victim went missing on this date. September 25, 2011 fell on a Tuesday, and Reza's known death date is four days later.
  30. Jayden notes in "Crime Scene" (which takes place on October 4) that Jeremy was declared missing five days earlier.
  31. Susan states in "Suicide Baby" that her husband disappeared the day after Jeremy.
  32. Date confirmed by dialogue from a deleted chapter (which takes place on October 4), which establishes that the events of "Father and Son" take place the previous day.
  33. The dates for "Police News" and "Shrink and Punches" are not displayed, but "Shrink and Punches" has a timestamp of 9:55 p.m. The following chapter, "The Golf Club," takes place on Thursday at 7:00 a.m., meaning that the two previous chapters must have occurred the day prior.